Curriculum Overview


In this 2-Year program, students are required to complete a total of 37 credits, comprising 7 credits from core business courses, 18 credits from electives, 4 credits from Mandarin course and 8 credits from Immersion Week, Internship and Thesis.

Total 37
Category Required Credits
Core 7
Specialization Courses



Electives (Required)

Language (Required) 4
Social Practice (Required) 2
Immersion Week (Required) 2
Thesis (Required) 4


"Curriculum for Postgraduates-International Business" was approved by the Academic Affairs Division of International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University (IBS.BFSU) . IBS.BFSU reserves the right to change these courses, and you agree to abide by the most recent version of this. Slight changes might be made without prior notice if necessary.

English Taught Master Program Courses


Core Courses

China and International Organizations▼

This course is designed to explore some key questions concerning multilateralism and international organizations in theory, the relations and interactions between China and major international organizations, and China's role in and strategy for global and regional governance.

Economic Analysis and Applications▼

This is one of the core courses for master students with major in international business. The economic tools presented aid the analysis, decision-making and strategic planning that is required of managers. The inclusion of relevant theory is supplemented with an emphasis on practical applications of that theory to real-world business problems.

This course provides the study of individual decision-making units (consumers and firms) and their interaction in a market economy. An understanding of this assists managers when faced with choices and issues such as how much to produce, what price to charge, whether to shut down production in the short run and the impact of new, cheaper substitute products.

International Business▼

Based on an intercultural and professional development perspective, this course is designed as an introduction to international business. Four distinct themes are discussed in the course. First, the basic theories related to globalization, international business, culture and professional development are covered. Second, the sociocultural environments of international business and their management implications are analyzed. This is then followed by an in-depth exploration of promoting self-awareness and intercultural competence, an essential for succeeding in an international business context. Furthermore, there are extensive discussions on developing important professional skills in an intercultural and international workplace.

The course also creates an opportunity to facilitate 'real life' decision-making and enhances a wide range of study skills, such as analytical skills, critical thinking as well as team work skills.

Compulsory Courses

International Trade Policy and Practice▼

This course studies the contemporary trade issues which are important and influential to the national and world economy, in the context of the multilateral trading system under WTO, with certain focus on Chinese foreign trade.

We will introduce and explain the existing rules for the trade issues, then discuss the situation in China and its main trade partners, as well as the whole world.

Based on the fundamental knowledge, students are required and tutored to do research and analysis on some issues in the context of certain economies.

International Investment and Cross-national Company Management▼

Companies today confront an increasing array of choices regarding geographic markets, locations for key activities, ways of organizing international business, and processes for managing across borders. This subject provides students with the evidence, concepts and models for understanding company performance in a global world and the issues facing executives.

This course focuses on corporate strategies and related organizational capabilities. The course introduces basic frameworks that managers can apply to make international business decisions, to analyze international business information, and to design global competitive strategies. Case studies and readings are used to illustrate the basic principles of international business management and strategy.

International Finance Theory and Practice▼

This course provides fundamental theories in international finance, methodologies and empirical studies. The content covers the major fields as followed: introduction to asset pricing models, the Foreign Exchange Rate Markets and the relevant investment strategies on currency markets; basic theories in the exchange rate risk management, and applications of theories from the perspective of the multinational firms. We will analyze the exchange rate risks faced by the companies, and will discuss the available solutions for these problems, comparing the strength and weakness of the alternative methods. We majorly cover following topics:

1. Introduction on the study of Finance and International Finance, especially on Asset Pricing;

2. Spot and Forward Currency markets;

3. Application of Forward contracts in International Financial Management;

4. Exchange Rate risk and exposure;

5. International risk management

International Business Law▼

This course offers a firm introduction to the core legal concepts of international trade and commerce. The course deals with such topics as corporation, contract, international sales, payment instruments and related topics. The lectures are aimed at giving a clear outline of the topic under discussion, enabling students to engage with the reading material and develop a structured view of legal doctrines of commerce and trade. We also practice with cases and offer a primer in contract drafting issues. By necessity, the course also takes a comparative legal perspective on business law.

International Business Negotiation▼

This is a one-semester course for master students. It introduces students to the theory and practice of international business negotiation through negotiation simulations and academic readings. The topics cover essentials of negotiation, advanced negotiation skills, and specific negotiation scenarios.

The course is designed to build upon skills and competencies students have developed through undergraduate-level business negotiation courses through exposure to and experience with more complex cases and more insightful discussions.

Electives Courses

Business Statistical Analysis▼

This course provides an introductory business statistics text for students who do not necessarily have an extensive mathematics background but who need to understand how statistical tools and techniques are applied in business decision making. The course is an introductory survey about several quantitative methods used in social sciences including data collection methods, descriptive statistics, discrete and continuous probability distributions, estimating parameters, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, linear regression model, and forecasting.

We also introduce Excel tutorials to perform the data analysis through simulated data and real data. This course emphasizes data-based modeling mechanisms, the choice of appropriate quantitative method, carrying out data analysis using tools and interpretations of the results.

Business Strategy Consulting*▼

Business Strategy Consulting is a field research course designed to help students get first-hand experience by solving a real company’s problem. If the student’s Chinese level has not reached at least HSK 5, they will be joining the Immersion Week instead.

Business Ethics▼

It is known that most of the students in Business School would have a career in relevant business areas and some of them might be decision makers in their companies. At the same time, the technologies, organizational forms and managerial practices changed over the last few years, so the new technology could raise new ethical problems or risks. Thus the understanding of business ethics could be developed as well and the students should be provided with those basic concepts about doing business to help them deal with new ethical issues for business such as the issues related to privacy and property rights raised by the information technology.

This course will provide the summary of relevant concepts and discussions about ethical issues in doing business, and some questions related to the topics of each chapter for the students to discuss to help the students have a better understanding of the concepts or principles in doing business. Also, it will help the students to know the importance of a moral business decisions.

Case Study and Thesis Writing (A)▼

Qualitative case study research has become an established method of inquiry in human and social sciences, including management and organizational research. This course is designed to train graduate students in qualitative case research methodology.

In this case study research methods course, students will learn about the nature, designs, and methods of case study research. They will get familiar with research methods of qualitative data collection and analysis.

Financial Accounting▼

This course is intended for graduate students majoring in financial areas who are seeking to gain an understanding of financial accounting. The course acts as an introduction to the accounting discipline, explaining concepts such as double-entry accounting, familiarizing students with financial instruments, and introducing areas of key interest such as fraud and internal control.

International Marketing▼

The course is an introduction to the language and issues of global marketing with an emphasis on learning to develop responsive marketing strategies that meet customer needs. The course focuses on international marketing concepts, the role of marketing in the global organization, and the role of marketing in society based on global environment. Topics include international market segmentation, global product development, international promotion, distribution, and pricing. Other topics, which will be incorporated into the course, are external environment (which will focus on integrative topics with marketing, such as economics, politics, government, and nature), marketing research, international/global marketing with relevance to cultural diversity, ethics, the impact of technology on marketing, and careers in marketing.

We all have many experiences with marketing from the viewpoint of the consumer. In this course, we will take the perspective of the marketing decision maker. I hope you will learn that there is much more to marketing than you might have expected. From the textbook, participation assignments/homework, and class discussions, you will learn about the decisions that marketers must make and tools/frameworks that will assist you in making those decisions effectively. By the end of the course, you should understand the complexity and challenges associated with making marketing decisions as well as ways to design effective marketing strategies. On the practical side, this new understanding of marketing should make each of you a more knowledgeable consumer.

Intercultural Communication and Management▼

The course examines the concepts associated with culture and communication and how this relates to global leadership. It analyzes intercultural communication case situations and integrates conceptual understanding with “real-life” intercultural experiences and observations in management. This course moves beyond the functional side of business and specifically focuses on the antecedents for being successful in business—we begin by developing awareness and then move on to cultivating knowledge in order to build a repertoire of human communication competencies that are critical for a diverse workplace. After taking this course, you will have a deeper self-awareness of who you are as a global citizen, as well as be able to identify and deal with situations, issues, and challenges that come up when dealing with people from diverse backgrounds.

Programming Language and Applications▼

This course is designed as the introductory level programming course to postgraduate students, this course prepares students to have a basic programming skill with Python programming language. The skills learnt could be transferred to other computer languages. This course will be taught in English completely. English proficiency is mandatory.

The purpose of the course is to teach students to program in Python programming language to solve problems with computational methods. The primary goals are three-fold: First, students will learn the basic programming language concepts, such as data types, control structures, and modular programming. Second, students will be expected to develop a computational thinking to solve problems. General methods, such as graphics programming method, and object oriented programming, will be introduced. Third, students will be exposed to some useful prepackaged modules such as web crawling, random sampling, scientific computing, and data visualization.

Specific topic coverage includes:

• Concepts of Computation and Computers

• Graphics programming

• Data Types

• Interactive Input and Output

• Program Flow Control

• Functions

• Character Strings

• Data Files

• Classes

• Search and sort

• NumPy and SciPy

• Web crawling

• Data visualization

Regional Investment Environment▼

This course provides you with an overview of regional investment environment research and its role in helping firms and managers better understand the business environment and consumer behavior in different countries, which lays down solid foundation for effective marketing decisions. You will be exposed to methods of problem definition, research design, data collecting, analyzing and interpretation, as well as effective communication, all of which are quite important for managers to solve transnational problems.

This course is designed for professional master's degree program in international business. With the combination of reading, lectures, case study, class discussion as well as hands-on participation in a group research project, the course will help students get familiar with China's business partners' historical, cultural, legal and economic environment, prepare them with necessary business knowledge for internalization of Chinese enterprises.

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