Curriculum Overview


To fulfill the graduation requirements, students must complete a cumulative credit for 153.

Total 153
Category Required Credits
Core 54
Specialization 12



    Distributional (Required)


     Free Electives (Required)

Language (Required) 48
Humanistics Courses (Elective) 8
Immersion Week (Required) 6
Thesis (Required) 4


"Curriculum for Undergraduates" was approved by the Academic Affairs Division of International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University (IBS.BFSU). Students are required to accomplish all compulsory courses of their own major, plus 2 distributional courses. Besides, they need to select 4-6 more courses from the list of “free electives”. IBS.BFSU reserves the right to change these courses, and slight changes might be made without prior notice if necessary.

* 3 major compulsory courses for the major of Business Administration (Chinese Business Studies)

* 4 major compulsory courses for the other majors.

* 5 major compulsory courses for the major of Finance.

Core Courses (Year 1 & 2)






Application of Information Technology▼

Course Introduction

Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science. This course covers the basic skills of computer concepts, windows operating systems, office software operation including WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT, and basic operation of PYTHON. Students will begin with computing fundamentals and learn about computer hardware, peripheral devices, computer software, Microsoft® Windows Operating System and its settings. Practice on computer will help students to enhance the understanding of computer thinking.


Academic Writing▼

Course Introduction

Academic Writing is a necessary skill not only for undergraduate studies but also for future employment. Students will be equipped with writing skills that will help them adapt to the requirements of four years of undergraduate studies. The core component of the course will be to develop the academic essay. To achieve this there is a focus on four principles of essay writing: unity, support, coherence and sentence skills. In addition to this, writing as a process will also be examined to ensure students are able to draft, edit and refine their work. Reading skills, acknowledgement of other authors through citations and referencing, paraphrasing, and summarizing will also be taught. These will be incorporated into writing activities


Business Communication▼

Course Introduction

Business communications are a process of interaction between people, during which, on the one hand, there is an exchange of information, experience, abilities and results of activities, and on the other hand, changes in the participants of this interaction under the influence of external and internal factors. Effectively organized business communications are the most important resource of business interaction, determine the success and long-term contacts, a good reputation of the organization and its symbolic capital. 

A significant increase in interest in the study of communication processes is one of the characteristic features of the development of modern humanities. 

 Communication problems not only become more and more interesting every year for people of different ages, professions and education level, but, above all, they are a necessary component of professional competencies of specialists in all areas of their activity. 

 A modern specialist needs knowledge in the field of business communications to be able to understand communication partners, establish contacts with them, conduct business conversations, negotiations, and master the basics of public speech.


Economic Mathematics▼

Course Introduction

This is an introductory course in Mathematics, in a Business or Economics related major in an undergraduate programme. It covers topics on basic mathematical knowledge, techniques, and skills; leading to some basic calculus in the second part of the course, and basic business applications using calculus (differentiation and integration); required for further studies in business, economics and finance related courses. 

Topics covered on basic mathematical skills include algebra, functions, percentage changes (including business applications) coordinate geometry, long divisions, remainder and factor theorem, partial fractions, summations, and arithmetic and geometric series. 

Topics in the latter part of the course examine basic skills in calculus including basic differentiation, applying product, quotient and chain rules, applications of derivatives in finding turning and inflection points, tangents and normal, applying derivatives to find local maximum and minimum (including business applications); as well as integration and its applications.


Introduction to Business▼

Course Introduction

This course provides a foundation of the essential topics in business operations that a beginning business student needs to understand. The students will develop a competence of viewing the world from a business perspective through classroom lectures and extra-class research and practice.



Cross-cultural Management▼

Course Introduction

Cross-cultural management, which studies the interaction of representatives of various national and regional cultures, including practice of managing organizations, is part of the general theory of management. The main goal of studying cross-cultural management is to improve the efficiency of doing business, taking into account the cultural characteristics of relationships between partners and employees of organizations, as well as in the practice of individual communication with representatives of other cultures.

Cross-cultural management is the management of people's behavior and the art of building relationships at the intersection of business cultures.

Cross-cultural management includes:

l ability to negotiate with a representative of another culture;

l the ability to quickly resolve a conflict in a team where representatives of different cultures work;

l ability to build a system of motivation in companies where representatives of different cultures work;

l "the ability" to determine the necessary characteristics of leadership in companies that employ representatives of different cultures.

Cross-cultural management is designed to help:

l conduct negotiations and establish mutually beneficial relationships with partners;

l improve the coherence of work in the company;

l reduce the number of conflicts in the team;

l build an effective management system, motivation and leadership.

Cross-cultural management is also aimed at highlighting such important elements as the management logic of different countries and corporate cultures.

Thus, the study of cross-cultural management is aimed primarily at highlighting the most important elements and the features of building management systems in different countries.


Introduction to Micro-economics▼

Course Introduction

This course is an introduction to microeconomics, which intend to understand the following topics, for example, what happens on the market, how a consumer or a firm or even a country makes rational decisions, what are their objective and how will they achieve that objective, how the “invisible hand” (price) allocates resources on the market, how taxation affects the outcome of market, how about the cases if market fails to work well, and how prices, quantities, and profits are determined for firms under different market structures, etc.


Principles of Marketing▼

Course Introduction

Marketing management is the art and science of facilitating beneficial exchanges in an enjoyable and sustainable way. This course provides a broad overview of all the marketing activities involved in the provision of products to final and organizational consumers.


Statistics for Business▼

Course Introduction

Statistics is useful in a wide variety of disciplines - from the social sciences to the natural sciences. For business students, it is also a core skill that will benefit you in your future courses and careers, whether you are interested in economics, finance, accounting, marketing, or management.

This course develops ideas for helping to make decisions based on data. Some of the following material will be covered: basic descriptive statistical methods, probability and probability distributions, sampling methodology, how to draw inferences from samples to larger populations and how to make predictions based upon historical relationships between variables.



Business Law▼

Course Introduction

This course introduces the origins of the law, its nature and classification. The course seeks to provide the basic understanding of important areas falling under the sphere of Commercial Law. It is designed to provide enthusiastic knowledge and students will study contract law in detail with comprehensive emphasis on problems dealing with consumer laws in relation to deceptive and false advertising and the legal effects of warranties as they relate to the commercial world of business. Examines legal remedies seeking personnel the legal background of the areas that they normally engage in without the knowledge of the relevant legal framework.


Introduction to Macro-economics▼

Course Introduction

Macroeconomics is an important branch of economics that studies how the aggregate economy behaves, including the performance, structure, behavior and decision-making of an economy as a whole at the regional, national and global levels. Macroeconomics examines a variety of aggregated indicators, such as gross domestic product (GDP), rate of growth, national income, unemployment rates, price levels, inflation and so on. Meanwhile, this course analyzes how the economy functions and how different sectors of the economy relate to one another.


Principles of Accounting▼

Course Introduction

Accounting is the language of business. It helps to measure and report corporate performance. Users demand such financial information to make informed decisions. This course presents fundamental accounting principles and their application to various businesses and organizations. It will take you from the recording of business transactions, through the preparation of financial reports, to the interpretation and analysis of financial statements.

This course is designed to give beginning business students a general understanding of the purpose of accounting and the capacity to perform basic accounting functions. You are advised to work steadily throughout the semester, make notes on lectures, and work through assignments. Mastering the subject is a matter of hard work and practice.


Principles of Management▼

Course Introduction

This course is intended for undergraduate students majoring in business-related disciplines. It is designed to introduce students to the principal functional disciplines of management, and to develop understanding of what organizations do, what objectives and responsibilities they have, how they are managed across a broad range of functions, and the role that managers and leaders play in the management of an organization.



Business Ethics▼

Course Introduction

It is known that most of the students in Business School would have a career in relevant business areas and some of them might be decision makers in their companies. At the same time, the technologies, organizational forms and managerial practices changed over the last few years, so the new technology could raise new ethical problems or risks. Thus the understanding of business ethics could be developed as well and the students should be provided with those basic concepts about doing business to help them deal with new ethical issues for business such as the issues related to privacy and property rights raised by the information technology.

This course will provide the summary of relevant concepts and discussions about ethical issues in doing business, and some questions related to the topics of each chapter for the students to discuss to help the students have a better understanding of the concepts or principles in doing business. Also it will help the students to know the importance of a moral business decisions.


Human Resource Management▼

Course Introduction

Many managers and organizations realize that a critical source of competitive advantage often comes NOT from the ingenious product design, the best marketing strategy, or the most updated technology, but RATHER from having an effective system for obtaining, mobilizing, and managing the organization's human assets.

Therefore, human resource management topics are becoming increasingly important for all managers in organizations. Although many organizations recognize the importance of managing the work force effectively and even claim that they know what approaches are effective, it is unbelievable how often firms and managers fail to implement these approaches.The management of human capital in the new economy is a challenge all business professionals face. This course aims to introduce the study and practice of Human Resource Management (HRM), with a focus on International Human Resource Management (IHRM).

Yet this course will not get into the technical details of personnel management such as the psychometric aspects of test validation, the specifics of job evaluation methods, or the intricacies of employment law. These topics are primarily relevant to those intending to be human resource professionals. Instead, this course adopts the perspective of a general manager and addresses human resource topics from a strategic perspective.


Introduction to Corporate Finance▼

Course Introduction

Corporate finance is a fundamental professional course for all finance and business administration related learners. It not only reveals the concepts of business gain, but also provides perceptions of business costs and risks. Besides, it provides the approaches of financing and investment instruments as well.

This course provides fundamental level of using money under time concept. This course demonstrates the critical concepts of money, cash flow, discounting, interest-rate related financial products, bonds, stock, and risks. It also shows the critical knowledge of capital asset pricing model, Modigliani – Miller propositions, and capital structure principles.

These knowledge shows some of the key ideas in financial management, such as but not limited to, principles of financing and investment, how interest-rate works in financial products, how bonds work, and how stocks work. These ideas are very important to any kind of doing businesses in today’s world.


International Trade▼

Course Introduction

This course studies the nature and determinants of international trade and factor movements; the effects of international trade on prices of goods and factors; the relation between trade and economic growth; the consequences of tariffs, quotas, customs unions, and other trade policies and agreements, national or international.


Organizational Behavior▼

Course Introduction

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the basic knowledge of human behavior needed to provide a more effective organizational environment, including both the basic organizational behavior concepts and their application in contemporary organizations. We will cover topics such as job satisfaction, personality, values, motivation, decision making, group behavior, leadership, cultural influences, and organizational development.




Specialization Courses (Year 3 & 4)


Brand Management▼

Course Introduction

Building long-term relationships with the consumer is the task of any commercial organization. The concept of brand as an element of the management system is an important part of the marketing strategy of any organization.

In modern conditions of active competition at the international level and internal corporate struggle, the promotion of various goods and services is associated not only with their positioning in terms of strategy, but also the formation of a sustainable perception of the goods as necessary need of a consumer.

In connection with what was said above, brand management is a multi-structured, reasonable, verified and controlled set of measures for the creation of a trademark, the development of packaging design, advertising elements, sales promotion, i.e. the use of the entire arsenal of marketing means of influence on the consumer.

To manage a brand means to find the most effective way to achieve the intended positioning of the product, form a sustainable perception of the brand in the mind of the consumer.

This course will allow students to form a comprehensive understanding of the history of brand development as a structural element of the management system and corporate culture. Will allow to develop skills and understanding of the basic elements of creation, strategic brand management, brand communication (brand positioning and brand image), as well as the peculiarities of the creation and positioning of brands at the Internet. At the end of the course, students will gain knowledge on capitalization and peculiarities of brand financing, including legal aspects of brand management.

Business Data Analysis▼

Course Introduction

Spreadsheets easily lend themselves to tackling various business and management problems. In this module, we will focus on learning both basic and advanced features of Microsoft Excel®, the industry standard for spreadsheet modelling. Moreover, students will learn core modelling techniques for structuring, analyzing and solving managerial problems. You should, by the end of the module, have the confidence to use spreadsheets for analyzing a wide variety of management problems, not only those you have tackled on this module.

• The module will cover the following topics: Basic Spreadsheet Functionalities: Introduction to common spreadsheet features: workbooks, worksheets, menus, cells, rows, columns, data types, relative and absolute cell addressing, copying, basic formulae, naming cells, formatting, charts and graphs, printing.

• Data Management Facilities: sorting, filtering, data forms, pivot tables.

• What-If Analysis: scenario manager, goal seek, data tables.

• The Art of Modelling: design and layout, modularization, documentation, naming cells, testing.

• Basic Financial Analysis: Introduction to basic financial analysis and how to carry this out using spreadsheets: compound interest, discounting, NPV, IRR, loans and mortgages.

• Macros: automate repetitive tasks by using macros; record, edit and save macros; assign a button to a macro.

China Business Law▼

Course Introduction

It is known that most of the students in Business School would have a career in relevant business areas and some of them might be decision makers in their companies. Also, the students studying in China may also work in China or doing business with China later in the future. Thus, understanding China's business legislations and rules would be extremely important.

This course will focus on the introduction of China's business law system, to help the students to know about China Corporation law, Contract law, Securities Law, Foreign Investment Policies, taxation rules, labor force law, franchise, and IP protection. Students major in Business or Management would have relevant sufficient knowledge about the legal risks and legislations in China. And they may know about the methods of seeking relevant legislations in China if they experienced some difficulties in the future.

Consumer Behavior▼

Course Introduction

Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved in selecting, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that will satisfy a person's needs. It is concerned not only with what consumers buy but also with why, when, where, and how they buy it. This course is designed to be an introduction to the theories and research which help us understand and predict consumer behavior in the marketplace, with the goal of understanding how these theories can be used to inform the development and implementation of successful marketing actions. The focus will stress individual oriented theories over more socially oriented approaches. Many of these theories come from psychology. However, over the years, the distinctions between social science disciplines have blurred. Therefore, the content of this course will also borrow from theories and research in other social science fields such as sociology, communications, anthropology, and economics.

Chinese Business Environment (Distributional Elective Course Taught in Chinese)▼

Course Introduction

It is known that most of the students in Business School might have a career in relevant business areas and may work in Chinese companies or invest in China's market later in the future. At the same time, the technologies, organizational forms and managerial practices changed over the last few years in China. So understanding China's changing business environment would be very important for the students. Thus, this course is trying to provide the students with some basic knowledge about China's business environment including China's business reform, the culture background of the society, the supervision system of the market, and the foreign investment policies, and other factors which may influence China's market significantly.

During the whole semester, we will also discuss about the questions which the students may be interested, and we will have seminars and presentations as well. Hopefully, the students may know China's business environment objectively. Also, in this course, it will provide the evaluations on doing-business environment in major cities of China.

Chinese Culture & Business Etiquette▼

Course Introduction

This course is designed to enable studentsto develop a basic understanding of the Chinese culture and its influences on business relationships. It also seeks to help students acquire the skills to interact with Chinese people in simple social and business contexts with an appreciation of the Chinese business protocols. Whilst helping students to develop a broad understanding of the Chinese culture and business etiquette, this course provides them with the cultural context of their study in China as well as the foundation for their future career related to China or Chinese enterprises.

Based on the knowledge about Chinese history and Chinese philosophical thoughts, such as Confucianism, Taoism, and Sun Tzu's Art of War, the students will understand Chinese core values, ways of seeing the world and thinking logic. The influence of the two important concepts “Guanxi” and “Mianzi” in Chinese social practice in the business world is illustrated and discussed. What's more, aspects of Chinese Cultural Traditions, Cultural theories, Chinese communication styles, Chinese psychology, and Chinese Business Etiquette/practice are covered with examples and cases.

Doing Business in China▼

Course Introduction

Welcome to Doing Business in China (DBC), an integral part of the BA Chinese Business Studies. China is a very different business environment for those accustomed to western business systems. The course provides a conceptual and practical framework for foreign companies undertaking business activities in China. The course gives an introduction about the history and development of China's economy, and you will understand some significant reasons for the quick improvement of Chinese economy. In this course, students will learn about the basic economic situations and also the process to start a business in China.

Economic Geography of China (Distributional Elective Course Taught in Chinese)▼

Course Introduction

China Economic Geography is a discipline that studies China's "regional development and operation". The research object is the conditions, characteristics, laws and prospects of China's economic development and operation in various regions. It systematically expounds the current situation and characteristics of China's agriculture, industry, transportation, commerce, tourism and cities, and predicts its development direction, providing a basis for scientific decision-making of China's economic layout and formulation of regional development policies. Learning China Economic Geography can better understand China's national conditions, better carry out business activities and better conduct investment and trade in China.

E-Commerce in China▼

Course Introduction

This course surveys the current e-commerce landscape in China broadly - e-tailing, advertising, social media, e-payment, mobile commerce, etc., and provides a comprehensive understanding how information technologies reshape organization' value chain and transforming competitions within and across different industries. More importantly, this course seeks to answer deeper questions: How these new business models disrupt traditional commerce? What economic forces drive their growth and determine their competitive strategies? Moreover, what dangers and risks the new technologies and the new generations of juggernaut companies may impose on our lives and our societies? and what are the direction of potential regulatory policies?


Course Introduction

Econometrics is a subject in Economics, consisting of "economic tricks" for quantitative analysis. It is an indispensable component in economists' toolbox. The roles of econometrics include, but not limited to, quantitatively examining the association between economic variables, giving empirical support to economic theories, making forecasts about economic performance in the future, and evaluating policy impacts.

Financial Markets & Institutions▼

Course Introduction

The course of Money and Finance is simply about the flow of funds, if not over-simplified. In reality, there are always people who have surplus funds at hands and would like to have their money generating more money, but who do not have profitable business opportunities. On the other hand, there are also people who have profitable business opportunities, but who have a shortage of funds. In the process of channeling funds from one party to another, financial markets and financial institutions play very important roles.

This course, using Mishkin's The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets as the text, studies the following issues: the organization and structure of financial markets and financial institutions, the nature and effects of monetary policies, theories of money and banking and discussion of money and banking in the international context. The understanding about money, banking and financial markets achieved in this course may help the students enormously in their study of advanced courses, e.g. Commercial Banking, Investment, Financial Engineering etc.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship▼

Course Introduction

Today, innovations are considered as the main driving forces of the development of the modern economy in the sphere of production and services and the main factors of economic growth. In the context of global competition, the developed infrastructure of creation and implementation of innovations provides its owners with unconditional priorities. In the process of production and sales, achievements of science and technology take the form of process, organizational and marketing innovations.

Innovation is a form of implementation of the company's corporate strategy, and therefore the innovative component of its strategic management should be well developed.

Innovations in high-tech areas, where there is the greatest number of innovations, are of particular interest. Therefore, the management of scientific and technical activities in the context of the formation of the flow of innovative ideas is one of the main tasks of the Innovation manager.

Entrepreneurship in the field of science-intensive technologies assumes that the results of research and development are important decisive factors in the implementation of relevant projects. However, the inclusion of scientific and technical components in the entrepreneurial project brings additional, fundamentally irreversible risks. They are exceptionally high when conducting basic research that provides breakthrough innovation. Applied research is also associated with risks (the need to obtain products and technologies that meet the requirements of the market, the characteristics of which are quite diverse and have not previously been put forward in relation to the properties of materials, structures, algorithms).

In order to study the innovation market, the innovation manager should take into account statistical information on research and development too and it is given not only by specific industry, but also by sectors and branches of science, social and economic goals.

The effectiveness of innovative activity largely depends not only on the choice of vector of company's development, but also on the internal organization of innovative activity, ehich is primarily determined by the configuration of the innovation process. Depending on the form of innovative activity organization, the whole mechanism of management is built by: specific management structure, goals of the departments involved in the implementation of innovative projects, formulated strategic plans and programs, the approach to regulation, stimulation and monitoring of innovative activity.

Therefore, innovation as a sphere of management and a part of entrepreneurship activity is of utter importance nowadays.

International Contract and Payments▼

Course Introduction

International Trade Contract and Payment provides basic theories, knowledge, methods and skills in relation to international trade. Students learning this course will smoothly complete professional work in international trade, and learn to analyze problems from the perspectives of laws and practice, so as to improve practice skills.

Main content of the course: international trade measures; international trade terminology; name, quality, quantity, and package of international trade commodities; international goods transportation; international goods transportation insurance; commodity price; payment of goods; disputes and settlement, performance of import and export contract, etc.

International Investment Analysis▼

Course Introduction

This course is a compulsory course for students majoring in International Finance and an elective course for other majors.

It is an intermediate course in international investment analysis, starting with a brief discussion on currency exchanges, triangular arbitrage and fixed income securities.

Next, the course briefly looks at some practical aspects of margin trading before examining in particular, the theories of investment and portfolio management, including risk and return; and portfolio selection, management and performance evaluation.

Finally, the course shall focus on financial derivatives. Currency swaps and valuation techniques of futures and options shall be looked at, and their uses in hedging and various trading strategies. Issues arising from speculation and arbitrage related to derivatives shall also be looked at with various option trading strategies

International Marketing Management▼

Course Introduction

This course is designed as an introduction to international marketing management course.

The course is divided into four distinct elements. First, the basic theory of international marketing is covered. Second, the environmental implications of international marketing are analyzed. This is then followed by an exploration of the strategies of approaching international markets. Finally, there are extensive discussions on the marketing mix decisions and strategies in international marketing contexts.

The course also creates an opportunity to facilitate 'real life' decision-making and enhances a wide range of study skills, such as independent research, analytical skills as well as critical thinking.

Internet Marketing▼

Course Introduction

This course examines how digital tools, such as the Internet, smartphones, are revolutionizing the world of marketing by changing the roles and practices of both firms and consumers. The course includes 3 parts. The first is about the overview of Internet marketing, the second is about the strategy of Internet marketing and the third is about the tactics of Internet marketing.

International Business▼

Course Introduction

In the recent 20 years much in the field of cross-border business management has changed: new external demands have emerged, new strategic responses have been developed, new organizational capabilities have evolved, and new managerial competencies have become necessary. Students need to not only learn theories to understand MNE's environment, be sensitive to cross-cultural differences, and see the world as an integrated strategic reality, but also be able to deal with the complexities of managing operations separated by the barriers of cost, technologies, politics, and cultures.

The best international business research did more than capture the challenges, activities, perceptions, and best practices from the field. It also translated those findings into practical and relevant lessons for managers and students of management. In this course we will introduce updated frameworks, concepts, and practical examples which are topical, relevant, and of importance to practitioners working in today's global business environment.

International Business Negotiation▼

Course Introduction

This is a one-semester course for IBS undergraduate students. It introduces students to the theory and practice of international business negotiation. The topics cover essentials of negotiation, advanced negotiation skills, and specific negotiation scenarios.

International Finance▼

Course Introduction

This course provides fundamental theories in international finance, methodologies and empirical studies. The content covers two major fields: introduction on the Foreign Exchange Rate Markets and the investment strategies on currencies; the exchange rate risk management, from the perspective of the multinational firms or the firms that have international trades. We will analyze the risks faced by those companies, and provide solutions for these problems, comparing the strength and weakness of the alternative methods.

We majorly cover following topics:

1. Introduction on Finance and International Finance, especially on Asset Pricing theories;

2. Spot and Forward Currency markets;

3. Application of Forward contracts in International Financial Management;

4. Exchange Rate risk and exposure;

Motivation in Management▼

Course Introduction

The current stage of economic development is characterized by a change in the requirements for personnel and a new concept of HR-management, and first of all in the management of motivation. Motivation and stimulation of work are fundamental methods of managing, encouraging employees to achieve the goals set before them and the organization. Today, however, many managers and executives do not always use a modern theory of motivation, which does not allow them to manage people effectively.

Thus, the motivation one of key management sub-systems which plays a significant role in organizational efficiency and provides a wide range of methods, which foster people to full devotion of their activity in organization.

Motivation is a basic element in organizational design, which is crucial for creating a sustainable management system. The formation of a management system for motivation and stimulation of personnel allows creating motivational mechanisms that ensure a steady desire of employees to improve their work results, transforming them from third-party observers into active and purposeful participants in the labor process. Systematization of the motivational process allows you to give it a certain and strict order, make it clear to the staff. To ensure the effectiveness of motivational activities, each employee must know and understand the norms and rules established in the organization. This work should be carried out systematically and consistently. Otherwise, the Manager will not get the desired result.

Only a certain way of management system design and creation of motivational influences can become a universal means of forming motives for effective labor activity.

Marketing Research Methods▼

Course Introduction

This course is designed as an introduction to the basic principles and methods of doing marketing research and reporting research findings, with the aim of helping organization managers make better decisions. The course emphasizes the importance of learning through practice, as it provides students opportunities to actively participate in different stages of conducting a marketing research project. Thus, the course facilitates 'real life' decision-making and enhances a wide range of study skills, such as independent research, analytical skills as well as critical thinking.

M&A and Investment Banking▼

Course Introduction

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is an increasingly essential area of corporate finance. As companies seek growth and strategic advantages, M&A has become a go-to strategy in today's dynamic business environment. Students will learn key concepts such as synergies, premiums, accretion/dilution analysis, and LBO models to value and execute deals. The mechanics of executing M&A transactions will also be covered, including negotiations, due diligence, deal structuring, financing, and integration. Relevant investment banking services will be briefly discussed in the context of advising and valuing transactions.

By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the M&A lifecycle and process. Through case studies, students will gain practical knowledge applicable to real-world M&A transactions, deals, and strategies. The course will provide foundational skills valuable for careers in investment banking, private equity, corporate development, and other areas of finance.

Project Management▼

Course Introduction

This course provides an understanding of the key concepts and practices within the context of the organizational setting and the wider business and technological environment. This course aims to develop a critical understanding of project management to enable students to recognize the importance of the discipline in a variety of organizational and functional contexts. Students should develop a critical understanding of the concepts employed in project management at strategic, systems and operational levels, and an appreciation of the knowledge and skills required for successful project management in organizations. Topics covered are: Project management process, Project management plan and lifecycle, Project Feasibility and Project Scope Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, and Project Risk Management.

Strategic Management▼

Course Introduction

Today's managers face a large number of complex challenges in the global marketplace. Why are some companies more successful than others? The vision for this course is to provide students with core concepts, frameworks, and analysis tools in strategic management. This course not only integrates functional course offerings, but also can help students become managers who can make better strategic decisions and take better action.

Language Courses (Compulsory)







(Intensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Business Chinese and Culture)




(Intensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Business Chinese and Culture)




(Intensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Business Chinese and Culture)




(Intensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Business Chinese and Culture)




(Intensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Business Chinese and Culture)




(Intensive Chinese, Oral Chinese, Business Chinese and Culture)




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