Jeeu-Fong Sze (Malaysia)

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Operational Research, University of Kent, United Kingdom

教育背景 Education Background

Kent Business School, University of Kent, United Kingdom, PhD (Operational Research), 2013 - 2017.

University of Malaya, Malaysia, Master of Science (Statistics), 2010 - 2011.

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia, Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) with Honours, 2005 - 2009.

工作经历 Work Experience

2018.09 - 至今 International Business School (IBS), Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU)

教学研究 Taught Courses & Research Field

研究方向:Supply chain management, Distribution management, Heuristic optimisation

科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research

Journal Papers 

7、Sze, J. F., Salhi, S., Wassan, N. (2017). `The Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Min-sum and Min-max Objectives: An Effective Hybridisation of Adaptive Variable Neighbourhood Search and Large Neighbourhood Search'. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 101, 162–184.

6、Sze, J. F., Salhi, S., Wassan, N. (2017). `The Cumulative Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem  with  Min-sum  and  Min-max  Objectives:  An  Effective  Hybridisation  of Adaptive  Variable  Neighbourhood  Search  and  Large  Neighbourhood  Search'. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 101, 162–184. (ABS 4*).

5、Sze, J.  F.,  Salhi,  S.,  Wassan,  N.  (2016). `A  Hybridisation  of  Adaptive  Variable Neighbourhood Search and Large Neighbourhood Search: Application to the Vehicle Routing Problem', Expert Systems with Applications 65, 383–397. (ABS 3*).

4、Heuristic Search: The Emerging Science of Problem Solving. Springer, 2017.

3、Sze, J. F. (2017). `Hybridisation Search for a class of Vehicle Routing Problems', PhD Thesis, University of Kent, United Kingdom.

2、Sze, S.  N., Sze, J.  F.,  Chiew,  K.  L.,  (2012). A  manpower  scheduling  heuristic  for aircraft maintenance application. AIP Conference proceedings, 1479(1), 1147–1150.

1、Sze, S. N., Chiew, K. L., Sze, J. F., (2012). Multi-trip vehicle routing and scheduling problem with time window in real life. AIP Conference proceedings, 1479(1), 1151– 1154.

荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards

1. 2017 Doctoral Award Winner, The Operational Research Society 

2. 2017 Kent Research Top-up funding recipient

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