Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Financial Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China


教育背景 Education Background

2009 - present Ph.D. Candidate, Beihang University; School of Economics and Management

Major: Management Science and Engineering (Financial Engineering)

2003 M.A., Macquarie University, Australia; pision of Economics and Financial Studies

Major: Economics

1999 B.A., Beijing Foreign Studies University; School of Applied English

Major: English (International Business)

工作经历 Work Experience

April 2005 - present, Lecturer, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University

2008-2012, Director and Dean associate of International Office of IBS.BFSU

教学研究  Taught Courses & Research Field

Research field: Macroeconomics, Corporate Finance

Taught courses: Econometrics, Macroeconomics, Economic mathematics

科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research

Journal Papers 

Jin H., Hu M. H. (2018). Overconfidence and Asset Pricing: Based on Social Networks. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Sciences Edition), 2018, 31(01), 70-74 DOI:10.13766/j.bhsk.1008-2204. 2016. 0093. [CSSCI]

LIU Shancun & JIN Hua, Trading intensity, Adverse selection cost and informed trading, Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Social sciences Edition), Vol.26, No.5 September 2013

JIN Hua, LIU Shancun & SONG Dianyu, Pricing options in a mixed fractional double exponential jump-diffusion model with Stochastic volatility and interest rates, International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, 2012 (EI)

SONG Dianyu, LIU shancun & JIN Hua, Fractional diffusion models of European option with Poisson process, International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering (ICIII 2011), November 2011 (EI)

SUN Wenli & JIN Hua, The Exchange Rate Uncertainty, Location-Decision of FDI and Intro-firm Trade, South China Journal of Economics, Vol 6, 2010

YING Weiwei & JIN Hua, A capital market-based assumption: the evolution of financial risk to chain of crisis, Research Report on Chinese Capital Market, 2008

Professional Experience

1. Consultant, Beijing Ruili Hengan Technology Co., Ltd., 2022

荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards

1. The third Prize in teaching, BFSU, 2020 

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