教育背景 Education Background
2009.9 - 2015.7, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Ph.D. in Business Administration
2007.9 - 2009.7, School of Law, Tsinghua University
B.A. in Law (Second degree)
2005.9 - 2009.7, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tsinghua University
B.A. in English Languages & Literatures
International communication experience (Academic exchange and visits)
2012.9 - 2013.9, Business School, Columbia University, New York, Visiting Ph.D. Student
教学研究 Taught Courses & Research Field
Research field: Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Cross-cultural Management
Taught courses: Business Communications
科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research
Journal Papers
32、Tong Zhao, Qian Li, Tianran Wang. (2022). Impact of Video Barrage in Digital Era and Suggestion for Development. TV Research, 2022(04). [CSSCI]
31、Yuanyuan Zhou, Qian Li, Shiyang Gong, Daniel P. Hampson, Zhicen Liu. (2022). Looking back is better than looking forward: visualization, temporal frames, and new product evaluation in China. Asian Business & Management, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-021-00175-x. [SSCI]
30、Wen Wen, Huijie Hu, Qian Li. (2021). Can 'National Team' Ownership Reduce Corporate Risk? Securities Market Herald, 2021, (10),12-22+78. [CSSCI]
29、Xiaoye Qian, Qian Li, Jue Wang, Shiyang Gong, and Hao Zhou. (2021). How Does Group Climate Foster or Hinder Employee Voice? A Cross-Level Examination. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.609953. [SSCI]
28、Shiyang Gong, Jackson G. Lu, John M. Schaubroeck, Qian Li, Qiwei Zhou, Xiaoye Qian. (2020). Polluted Psyche: Is the Effect of Air Pollution on Unethical Behavior More Physiological or Psychological? Psychological Science, DOI: 1177/0956797620943835. [SSCI]
27、Qiwei Zhou, Qian Li, Shiyang Gong. (2020). Temporary employment and voice behavior: the role of self-efficacy and political savvy. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, doi:10.1111/1744-7941.12232. [SSCI]
26、Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, Bo Jiang, Kai Yao. (2020). A Loud but Harsh Voice: The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Online WOM. Journal of Management Science2020,33(02),114-126. [CSSCI]
25、Xiaoye Qian, Qian Li, Yijia Song, Jue Wang. (2019). How Job Autonomy Promotes Employee’s Sustainable Development? A Moderated Mediation Model. Sustainability, 2019, Vol.11 (22), p.6445. [SSCI]
24、Qian Li, Shiyang Gong, Chaofan Li. (2019). The impact of team cultural diversity on team innovation. Advances in Psychological Science, 2019, 27(09), 1521-1539. [CSSCI]
23、Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, Ping Zhao, Ziwei Ren. (2018). Marketing Communication in the Digital Era: Online advertising, Online Word-of-Mouth, and Mobile Game Sales. Nankai Business Review, 2018,21(02),28-42. [CSSCI]
22、Weiqi Zhou, Qian Li, Xiaoye Qian. (2017). An Empirical Study on the Impact of Humble Leader Behavior on Team Innovation. Science of Science and Management of S.& T., 2017,38(09),159-172. [CSSCI]
21、Xiaoye Qian, Qian Li, Jue Wang, Shiyang Gong, and Hao Zhou, How Does Group Climate Foster or Hinder Employee Voice? A Cross-Level Examination,2021,Frontiers in Psychology
20、Shiyang Gong, Jackson G. Lu, John M. Schaubroeck, Qian Li, Qiwei Zhou, Xiaoye Qian, Polluted Psyche: Is the Effect of Air Pollution on Unethical Behavior More Physiological or Psychological?, 2020, Psychological Science
19、Qiwei Zhou, Qian Li, Shiyang Gong, Temporary employment and voice behavior: the role of self-efficacy and political savvy, 2020, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
18、Xiaoye Qian, Qian Li, Yijia Song, Jue Wang, How Job Autonomy Promotes Employee's Sustainable Development? A Moderated Mediation Model, 2019, Sustainability
17、Wen Wen, Huijie Hu, Qian Li, Can “National Team” Ownership Reduce Corporate Risks?, 2021, Securities Market Herald
16、Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, Bo Jiang, Kai Yao, A Loud But Harsh Voice: The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Online WOM, 2020, Journal of Management Science
15、Qian Li, Shiyang Gong, Chaofan Li, The Impact of Team Cultural Diversity on Team Innovation, 2019, Advances in Psychological Science
14、Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, Ping Zhao, Ziwei Ren, Marketing Communication in the Digital Era: Online Advertising, Online Word-of-Mouth, and Mobile Game Sales, 2018, Nankai Business Review
13、Shiyang Gong, Qian Li, Chengtan Yu, The Effect of Online Social Interactions on Consumer Demand——An Empirical Study on Online Video Industry, 2017, China Soft Science
12、Qiwei Zhou, Qian Li, Xiaoye Qian, An Empirical Study on the Impact of Humble Leader Behavior on Team Innovation, 2017, Science of Science and Management of S.&.T.
11、Qian, LI., Rui SUN. Workplace Social Exchange Relationships, Knowledge Sharing and Employee's Innovative Behavior. Science of Science and Management of S. & T. Accepted.
10、Qian, LI., Shiyang, GONG., Bo, JIANG., Xiaoye, QIAN. Impact of Human Capital Investment on Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of Chinese Industrial Firms. Investment Research. Accepted.
9、Qian, LI. Impact of Department Intra-Integration and Cross-department Organization on Organizational Knowledge Acquisition Capability and Performance: Theoretical Research. Technology Economics. 2015, 34(5).
8、Guoquan, CHEN., Xiaohui, WANG., Qian, LI., Jiasu, LEI. The Impact of Organizational Empowerment on Organizational Learning Capability and Strategic Flexibility. Science Research Management. 2012, 33(6).
7、Chen, ZHAO., Zhonghua, GAO., Qian, LI., Guoquan, CHEN. (2015) Problems Context, Quality of Organizational Attention, and Learning from Rare Events. 2015 Academy of Management Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
6、Xiaoye, QIAN., Baiyin, YANG., Qian LI. (2013) Human Capital, Collective Psychological Capital and Regional Innovation: Provincial Evidence from China. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management.
5、Qian, LI., Rui, SUN. (2012). Can Internal Exchange Facilitate R&D Employees’ Innovative Behavior? The Effect of Innovation Climate in Chinese Enterprises. The 2nd Global Chinese Management Studies Conference, Singapore.
4、Guoquan, CHEN., Xiangwen, WU., Qian, LI., Wei, XIE. A Study on Empathy of Enterprise Leader, 2011 International Conference on Management Innovation, Information Technology and Economic Growth.
3、Guoquan, CHEN., Jieyuan, WANG., Guojun, LIU., Hongbin, LI., Qian, LI. Stakeholder Relationship Management in Leading Changes: Case Study on Integration of Airline Companies, The 2nd International conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce.
2、Guoquan, CHEN., Jieyuan, WANG., Weiku, WU., Jiasu, LEI., Qian, LI. A Study on Personnel Placement of Enterprise Leader's Work, 2011 International Conference on Management Innovation, Information Technology and Economic Growth.
1、Guoquan, CHEN., Jieyuan, WANG., Weiku, WU., Qian, LI. A Study on Personnel Judging and Selection of Enterprise Leader's Work, 2011 International Conference on Management Innovation, Information Technology and Economic Growth.
Academic Service
1. Associate Dean of Graduate School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2020.12 - present
商业实践 Commercial practice (Enterprise practice or survey)
Commercial practice (Enterprise practice or survey)
Consulting project of “organizational learning and learning organization” in China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO)
荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards
1、Wiley Top Cited Article 2020-2021, Wiley, 2021.
2、Emerald Literati Awards by Emerald Publishing Limited, Emerald, 2021
3、Second Prize of Graduate Education Teaching Achievement Award in 2021, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2021
4、Highly Commended Paper in the 2020 Emerald Literati Awards, Emerald Publishing, 2020
5、First prize of the 3rd Beijing Foreign Studies University Teachers' Basic Skills Competition (the most popular among students and the Best Teaching Plan), BFSU, 2017
6、Tsinghua First-class Scholarship, Tsinghua Literature and Art Excellency Scholarship, Tsinghua Academic Excellent Scholarship
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