教育背景 Education Background
2009, PhD. of Economics, majoring in Industrial Economics, Renmin University of China
2001, Master of Economics, majoring in Corporate Financial Management, Central University of Finance and Economics
1997, Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Finance, Shandong University of Economics
国际交流 International Exchange Experience
2018 - 2019, Visiting scholar in Finance at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
2007 - 2008, Visiting scholar in International Economics at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
工作经历 Work Experience
November 2012 - February 2025: Dean, School of International Business, BFSU; Academic positions: Professor, Doctoral Supervisor.
January 2007- November 2012: Associate Dean, School of International Business, Beijing Foreign Studies University: The academic positions: Associate Prof.
September 2001 - January 2007: Assistant Dean and Director of Administration and International Office, School of International Business, Beijing Foreign Studies University: The academic positions: Lecturer
September 1997 - August 1998: local Bureau of Finance in Leling City, Shandong Province: Administration secretary in HR department
教学研究 Taught Courses & Research Field
Research Field
Industrial Economics (Economic Performance Evaluation)
Internationalization of Business Education
Taught Courses
Postgraduates: Institution Analysis and International Environment Policy
Chinese Courses for Undergraduates: Principle of Corporate Finance, Contemporary Business: Theory and Practice; The Reform of Chinese Economy
Overseas Students: Doing Business in China
科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research
2020 - BFSU Key Signature Project for the “Double-First Class” initiative: Establishing a Laboratory for Transnational Economic Management Behavior in the Context of Global Governance;
2019 - BFSU Project for the “Double-First Class” initiative: Series Studies on the Business Environment in Countries along the "Belt and Road"––Industrial Investment Research on Countries in Lancang - Mekong River Basin;
2018 - Project Commissioned by Guangdong Financial High-tech Zone: Research on the development of Guangdong Financial High-tech Zone;
2017 - Project Commissioned by Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, Ministry of Education: Research on Climate and Environmental Policy Trends of the G20;
2017 - Project Commissioned by Ningbo Maritime Silk Road Institute: Research on Business Talent Training and Development Mechanisms Established by China in Cooperation with Countries along the "Belt and Road"-Taking Higher Education Development in Ningbo as an Example;
2014 - Teaching Reform Project on Beijing Higher Education: Establishing A Multi-Skilled and Multi-Language Based Cultivation System of International Business Talents under China's Major Strategic Demand of Economic Globalization
2012 - Humanities and Social Sciences Planning Project of Ministry of Education: Research on the Innovation Mechanism and Development Path of Business Education internationalization: From the International Comparative Perspective (13YJC630114)
2012 - Philosophy and Social Science Planning Project of Beijing: Research on Internationalization of Beijing Business Higher Education (13JGB011)
2011 - Authorized Project of Society of Management Science of China: Research on the Integration of Industry and Finance for Chinese Enterprises-Taking Shenhua Group as an Example
2008 - The Eleven-fifth 211 Project of BFSU: Research on Talents Cultivation Evaluation and Development System of Transnational Economic Management (0501A05)
2014 - A Research Topic by BFSU Center of Sino-Foreign Finance and Economics: The Tax System Research of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Developed Countries
Journal Papers
21、Niu, H., Zhang, Z., Xiao, Y., Luo, M., & Chen, Y. (2022). A Study of Carbon Emission Efficiency in Chinese Provinces Based on a Three-Stage SBM-Undesirable Model and an LSTM Model.?International Journal of Environmental Research And Public Health,?19(9), 5395. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19095395 [SSCI]
20、Zhang, Z., Xiao, Y., & Niu, H. (2022). DEA and Machine Learning for Performance Prediction.?Mathematics,?10(10), 1776. doi: 10.3390/math10101776 [SCI]
19、Zhang, Z., Xiao, Y., Fu, Z., Zhong, K., & Niu, H. (2022). A Study on Early Warnings of Financial Crisis of Chinese Listed Companies Based on DEA–SVM Model.?Mathematics,?10(12), 2142. doi: 10.3390/math10122142 [SCI]
18、Zhang, Z., Luo, M., Hu, Z., & Niu, H. (2022). Textual Emotional Tone and Financial Crisis Identification in Chinese Companies: A Multi-Source Data Analysis Based on Machine Learning.?Applied Sciences,?12(13), 6662. doi: 10.3390/app12136662 [SCI]
17、Pan, X., Hou, L., Liu, K., & Niu, H. (2018). Do reviews from friends and the crowd affect online consumer posting behaviour differently?.?Electronic Commerce Research And Applications,?29, 102-112.
doi: 10.1016/j.elerap.2018.01.007 [SCI]
16、Shen, W.F., Zhou, Z.B., Liu, P.D., Jin, Q.Y., Liu, W.B., & Niu, H. Y. (2018). A Unified Parallel Dea Model and Efficiency Modeling of Multi-Activity and/or Non-Homogeneous Activity. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 15(03), 370-391.
15、Lian, Z. & Niu, H. (2021). Summary of the 13th Chinese Language Economics Forum. Trends in Economics. [CSSCI]
14、Zheng, Y., Xu, F., & Niu, H. (2020). Research on performance measurement method of enterprise R&D personnel based on behavioral evidence reasoning. Science Research Management, 04, 58-69. [CSSCI] Niu, H.Y., Luan, S., Song, Y., Shao M.X. 2019.
13、Operational efficiency evaluation of city and rural commercial banks: methodology based on the DEA model. ARGOS. A&HCI
12、Niu, H.Y., Luan, S., Song,Y. 2019. Performance evaluation of business education internationalization[J]. Science Research Management. 40(4), pp.277-288. CSSCI
11、Shen, W.F., Zhou, Z.B., Liu, P.D., Jin, Q.Y., Liu, W.B., Niu, H.Y. 2018. A unified parallel DEA model and efficiency modeling of multi-activity and/or non-homogeneous activity. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. 15(3), pp.370-391. SCI
10、Pan, X., Hou, L., Liu, K., Niu, H. 2018. Do reviews from friends and the crowd affect online consumer posting behavior differently? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. SCI
9、Niu, H.Y., Jin Q.H., Song, Y., Liu, W.B. 2018. Developing education internationalization index system based on soft system methodology[J]. Jiangsu Higher Education. (5), pp.98-107. CSSCI
8、Niu, H.Y., Sun, J., Song, Y., Zhou Z.B. 2017. Comparative study on the internationalization of business education in colleges and universities [J]. Commercial Science Research. 24(3), pp.15-23. Core Journal
7、Niu, H.Y., Min, D.Y. 2015. Research on the impact mechanism of internet finance on commercial banks—from the perspective of new empirical industrial organization [J]. Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business. 36(030), pp.66-71. CSSCI
6、Niu, H.Y., Chen, S.J., Tian, C. 2015. Research on the effectiveness and applicability of China's housing price regulation policies [J]. Price: Theory & Practice. (04), pp.62-64. CSSCI
5、Niu, H.Y., Peng, L., Ling, L. 2015. Research on risk and regulation of informal finance in China [J]. Commercial Research. (05), pp.100-105. CSSCI Extended Edition
4、Niu, H.Y., Cui, X.N., Su, L. 2015. The moderating effect of foreign retail on the structural optimization of China's retail format [J]. China Business and Market. (05), pp.100-106. CSSCI
3、Niu, H.Y. 2015. G20 Summit topics evolution and outlook for the 2016 Summit. Guangming Daily Theory Edition. May 10th, 2015, pp.7.
2、Fan, J., Niu, H.Y., Pei. Y.L. 2013. Research on the national E-Government standards diffusion of collaborative standards based on evolutionary game model [J]. Shanghai Management Science. 35(4), pp.90-93. CSSCI Extended Edition
1、Published 18 articles on the insight column of China Economics Weekly. http://space.ceweekly.cn/niuhuayong
Academic Service
1、Standing Member, Fintech and Algorithm Professional Committee, China Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CSIAM).
2、Co-supervisor, International doctoral students in English Program, Whampoa Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
3、Executive Director, G20 Research Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
4、Secretary General, Silk Road Business School Alliance.
Professional Experience
1. Member, Registration Administration Committee, Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
2. Executive Director, Chinese Academy of Management Science, & Director, Industrial Financial Management Committee.
3. Director, China Management Modernization Research Association, & Director, International Business Negotiation Professional Committee.
4. Member, China Management Fifty Forum.
5. Vice President, New Business Construction and International Development Alliance.
6. Founding Research Fellow, Columbia University Energy Research Center, 2015-2018.
7. Member, Institute of Certified Public Accountants Australia.
学术交流 Academic Related Interests/Activities
2019年9月21日,受邀出席“中国管理50人论坛” (兰州),并发表题为“逆全球化、互联网化与管理价值重构”分论坛主题讲话
2016年3月21日,受瑞士驻华大使馆Insight China-Joint Lecture学术活动邀请,做 “Made in China 2025” 的全英文主旨演讲
December, 2013: Young Leader’s Forum,National Committee on United States-China Relations
July, 2013: Parallel speech: Practical wisdom for management, Yale Center for Faith and Culture
June, 2013: International Forum on Green Industry and Investment 2013, Conference Chairman, BFSU and Society of Management Science of China
12th March, 2013: Parallel speech: APAIE Conference and Exhibition, Hong Kong International Expo Center
18th-19th May, 2012: Training Certificate of Case Study, Richard Ivey School of Business
2nd -5th October, 2012: Parallel speech: AIEC Conference, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
13rd-15th December, 2009: Keynote speech: International Management Conference, School of Management, Taiwan Shih Chien University
25th-27th November, 2009: Keynote speech: The second Iran International Marketing Conference, The National Conference Center of Iran
February, 2009: International Research Workshop, University of New South Wales, Australia
November, 2008: International Conference on Innovation in Business Horizons, Institute of Management Technology (IMT), India
September, 2007—September, 2008: visiting Prof. Business School, Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.
July, 2007: BFSU Executive Training program, University of Queensland, University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, Australia
March, 2005: The 6th Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference, Busan National University, Republic of Korea
March, 2004: Visiting Prof., School of Business, Staffordshire University, UK
学术兼职 & 商业实践 Academic Consultancy & Business Practice Consultancy
Current Roles
Executive Dean, BFSU South China Institute
CEO and Legal Representative, International Culture and Education of BFSU
Director, Industrial Finance Management Committee, Society of Management Science of China
Secretary-general, Alliance of Silk Road Business Schools
Deputy Director, Alliance of New Business Construction and Internationalization
Member, Think Tank of Tencent’s Tengyun Journal
Member, Chinese Management 50 Forum
Past Roles
Executive Director, Chinese Enterprise Management Society
Executive Director, Chinese College Research Institute of Business and Management
Chinese Representative, Young Leader's Forum, National Committee on United States-China Relations
Founding Research Fellow, Columbia SIPA
Visiting Fellow, The University of New South Wales (2009-2012)
Co-chairman, Social Network of Learning and Sharing
Independent Director, Shouguang Rural Commercial Bank
荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards
2022 Huang Danian teachers team of national universities and colleges, Ministry of Education.
2021 Second Prize of Education and Teaching Achievement of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2021 Second Prize of Postgraduate Training and Management Award of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2021 First Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2020 Excellent Basic Teaching Team Award of Beijing Foreign Studies University (Accounting Teaching Team), Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2020 Second Prize of Teaching Achievement Award of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2019 First Prize, BFSU Teaching Achievements Award (Ranked 1st).
2019 Outstanding Master Thesis Advisor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2018 BFSU Prominent Young Teacher Award.
2018 Outstanding Master Thesis Advisor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2017 Outstanding Master Thesis Advisor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University.
2016 Second Prize, BFSU Teaching Achievements Award
2012 Second Prize, Beijing Municipal Teaching Achievements Award (Ranked 2nd)
2009 First Prize, Beijing Municipal Teaching Achievements Award (Ranked 3rd)
2004 Beijing Advanced Individual in Teacher's Code of Morality, Beijing Teacher's Union
2004 First Prize, Excellent Paper of the Society of Management Science of China
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