REN Kangyu


Ph.D. in Finance, Graduate School of People's Bank of China Visiting scholar at Harvard University, USA

教育背景 Education Background

Educational Background Sept. 2003 ~ Jan 2008 Ph. D., Graduate School of People's Bank of China

Sept. 1997 ~ July 2000 Master, Economics School, Peking University

Sept. 1992 ~ July 1996 Bachelor, Dept. of International Economics, Nankai University

教学研究 Taught Courses & Research Field

Research Fields: International Finance, Macroeconomics

Teaching Experiences: Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, for 3rd grade students of IBS;

Introduction on Finance, for the international students;

International Finance, for the 3rd grade students of IBS;

Study on International Finance, for the graduate of IBS

科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research

Journal Papers 

31、Kangyu Ren, Tianyu Qin, Yuandong Mu. (2022). The role of aggregate risk aversion in the pricing of economic uncertainty.Applied Economics Letters, DOI:10.1080/13504851.2022.2083561. [SSCI]

30、Ren Kangyu., Ni Shenyu. (2022). Response Strategies and Policy Effects of Central Banks in China and the US under the Crisis - A Comparative Study Based on Balance Sheets. South China Finance, 1007-9041-2022(01)-0026-15. [CSSCI Extended Edition]

29、Ren Kangyu. (2021). Observation and Thinking on the International Public Goods since Covid-19 Outbreak. Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs, DOI:10.19780/j.cnki.2096-0484.20210714.005. [CSSCI Extended Edition]

28、Wang Shuo,Zhang Jihong, Ren Kangyu. (2021). Research on Influence Factors and importance of Credit Risk and Liquidity based on Chinese City Commercial Banks. Jiangsu Commercial Forum, 1005-0167(2020)10-0040-12.

27、Wang Shuo,Zhang Jihong, Ren Kangyu. (2020). The Heterogeneity Impact of Financial Innovation, Equity Concentration on Credit Risk of Rural Commercial Banks in China. Zhejiang Finance Core Journal, 1005-0167(2020)10-0040-12. 

26、Ren Kangyu, Ba Yue, Xu Siang. (2020). The World Economic Out Look during Coronavirus Crisis: Based on the Analyses of International Organizations and Major Think Tanks. Area Studies and Global Development, 2096-4536(2020)04-0017-24.

25、Ren Kangyu, Ma Tianxiao. (2020). The Impact of Reconstruction Policies on A Shares’ Prices – Based on DID Model. Wuhan Finance, 1009-3540(2020)07-0031-0007. 

24、Ren Kangyu, Gao Caiqi. (2019). The Impact of Shadow Banking on the Liquidity Creation of Commercial Banks. Wuhan Finance, 009-3540(2019)08-0015-0009. 

23、Ren Kangyu, Wang Yuhang. (2019). The Observation and Study of Non-Conventional Monetary Policies of Central Banks. Area Studies and Global Development, 2096-4536(2019)03-0031-21.

22、Ren Kangyu, Zhang Chenxi. (2018). Mechanism Discussion on Building up China’s International Leadership in Green Finance Field. West Forum, 1674-8131(2019)01-0107-09. [CSSCI Extended Edition]  

21、Ren Kangyu, Xie Dan, Sun Wenli. (2018). Mechanism Discussion on Building up China's International Leadership in Green Finance Field. International Economics and Trade Research, 1002-0594 (2018) 06-0078-15. [CSSCI]

20、Ren Kangyu, Zhang Chenxi. (2018). The Influence of Green Credit on the Performance of China’s Commercial Banks. Wuhan Finance, 1009-3540(2018)05-0018-0007.

19、Ren Kangyu. (2018). Chinese Financial Enterprises in Service of the “Belt and Road Initiative”: Strategy and Choice. Area Studies and Global Development, 2096-4536(2018)02-0030-12. 

18、The Study on the Recent Change of Capital Flows of Several Emerging Markets, Wuhan Finance, No.2, 2017

17、The Study on the Recent Change of Foreign Exchange Reserves of Several Emerging Markets, Wuhan Finance, No.2, 2016

16、The Study on the Quantitative Easing Policy of European Central Bank, Nanfang Finance, No.7, 2015

15、The Observation and Comparison on Several Cross-Country Monetary Cooperation Modes, Wuhan Finance, No.4, 2015

14、The Theoretical Study on the Effect of Foreign Exchange Reserves on Income Distribution, Journal of Central University of Finance & Economic, No.9, 2013

13、The Study on the Nature of Foreign Exchange Reserves, Study on International Finance, No.5, 2013

12、Central Bank’s Capital: a Literature Review, Study on International Finance, No. 6, 2012

11、Theoretical Analysis and Practical Observation on the Adjustments of Required Reserve Ratio, Wuhan Finance, No.5, 2012

10、RMB Internationalisation: Context and Progress, Central Banking, Oct. 2011;

9、The Review and Comparison Among Several Asian Countries’ Monetary Policy during the Financial Crisis, Wuhan Finance, June, 6, 2011

8、Exploring Financial Cooperation between China and ASEAN Countries under CAFTA,International Journal of China, Apr. 2011

7、Understanding the Exchange Rate in a Simply Supply-Demand Framework, Wuhan Finance, No.10, 2010

6、Study on the Role of Lender of Last Resort of Central Bank in Globalization Background, Study on International Finance, No. 8, 2010

5、The Observation and Analysis on Behaviour of Central Banks since the Sub-prime Crisis, Study on International Finance, No. 8, 2009

4、The Empirical Analysis and Comparison Study on the Structural Characteristics of Balance of Payments, Wuhan Finance, No.7, 2007: 8-11

3、International Finance, (textbook), China Machine Press, Sept. 2006

2、Study on Teaching Fundamental Courses in Finance Bilingually, China University Teaching, No. 6, 2006: 28-30

1、UK and Euro Area – Analysis Based on Data, Study on International Finance, No. 5, 2006: 28-35

Conference Papers 

1. Ren, K. Y., Che, Y. Y., & Fan, J. (2021, June). The Impact of Internet Usage on Family Financial Asset Allocation in China. Proceedings of ICEME2021, Beijing Jiaotong University. 

2. Ren K. Y., & Gong, C. Y. (2019, Jan). What kind of online P2P lending platforms more likely to have problems? Proceedings of ITEEE 2019. 

3. Ren, K. Y., & Li, Y. J. (2019, Mar). Economic Impact of Mega Sporting Events on Host Country. Proceedings of ERMISS 2019.

4. Sun, W. L., Xie, D., & Ren, K. Y. (2017, Nov). A comparative study on the impact of macro risks on the success rate of overseas M&A in BRICS countries. 2017 Emerging Economies Forum. Institute of Emerging Economies.

Academic Service

1. Reviewer for Peer-Review Journals of Studies of International Finance 

2. Member of Associate Editorial and Advisory Board, International Journal of China Studies, 2013-2023

3. Member, China National Association for International Studies, 2018-2023

4. Reviewer for Peer-Review International Economics and Trade Research.

Professional Experience

1. Deputy to Haidian District People's Congress of Beijing, institution, 2016.9 - present

国际交流 International Communication Experience

Visiting Experiences 

Sept. 2002 - Jan. 2003 Staffordshire University, UK, visiting scholar

July 2006 - July 2008 Havard University, USA, visiting scholar

June 2010 - Aug. 2010 University of Malaya, Malaysia, visiting ass. professor

商业实践 Commercial practice (Enterprise practice or survey)

Referee for some journals

Member of International Economic Relationship Committee

荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards

1. Beijing University Teachers' Investigation Award (First Grade), Beijing Municipal Education Commission, 2017

2. Best Papers of Wuhan Finance from No.100-No.200 (Second Grade), Editing board of Wuhan Finance, 2019

3. Best Undergraduate Courses of Beijing, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, 2021

4. Excellent Textbook award of Beijing Foreign Studies University (First Grade), Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2022

5. Annual Best Peer - Reviewers, International Economics and Trade Research Editor Board, 2019

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