Visiting Professor

MBA, Northwestern University, USA

Professional Background

President Midwest US China Association (2005 – 2010)
Not-for-profit with a mission to attract Chinese outbound investment into the greater 12 state Midwest region. Worked with US and Chinese government officials and businesses for education and economic development

Principal TANA (Transforming Asia North America)
Consultancy engaged in assisting US companies access the international market-place as well as Chinese companies seeking to enter foreign markets. Strategic advice and execution capabilities for green-field operations, market entry, personnel matters and cross-cultural issues

Principal John L Rogers Ltd - Engaged in the private practice of law

Education and Bar Admissions

MBA Kellogg Graduate School of Management
Northwestern University, Evanston Illinois

JD The John Marshall Law School, Chicago Illinois Law review member
Read law Queens’ College, Cambridge, England

BA University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield Illinois
Economics major and recipient of Wall Street Journal Award voted
by Economics faculty

Academic Appointments – University Affiliations

Current Professor Beijing Foreign Studies University, People’s Republic of China

International Business School with cross-function to Law School. Engaged in International Finance, Cross-cultural Management, and Business Ethics

Current Guest Fellow Shanghai Academy of Social Science (Institute of Law)

Lectures to faculty and student body on outbound Chinese investment to global markets

Current Visiting Aalto University (f/n/a Helsinki School of Economics)

Visiting faculty in program of China as an Emerging Market, a comprehensive survey course of China with emphasis on doing business in PRC

2011-12 Adjunct Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Adjunct Professor in Global Initiatives in Management with focus on China; faculty advisor for MBA student tour of People’s Republic (March 2012)

Current Adjunct IIT Chicago Kent College of Law

Seconded to Hangzhou (2-2011) and Beijing (4-2013) as professor of US Business Entities and Corporate Law for Chinese lawyers enrolled in Kent’s International Law LLM program.

Current Guest College of International Finance (from 2007) Professor Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)

Topical lectures whilst from time to time resident in Beijing. Subject matter typically related to international business, outbound Chinese investment, Chinese banking institution emergence worldwide, and US law following the 2008 presidential election.

Current Presenter Loyola University – Chicago (from 2010)

Created program entitled Discussions on Modern China for Loyola’s Continuing Education offering. Program received highest ratings and is to be offered again in fall 2011.

2007 – 2008 Consultant Webster University – St Louis MO

Advised on the successful creation of Confucius Institute located at the Old Post Office in St Louis. The Confucius Institution program was created by the Chinese Ministry of Education (Hanban) and provides Chinese language and culture training through partner universities throughout the world.

2006 – 2007 Instructor University of Chicago – Graham School

Developed, together with Peking University’s International MBA group, two tours of China. Responsible for the US side briefings and various content during China visit.

2005 – 2009 Member Advisory Board College of Arts & Sciences Illinois State University, Bloomington, Illinois

2004 – 2005 Visiting University of Illinois at Springfield

Professor/Executive in Residence

Assisted Dean of the Business School in analyzing international programs. Organized and lead China tour for Executive MBA students.

Selected Presentations and Lectures

February 2014 The Real China Challenge - Adlai Stevenson Center for Democracy

May 2012 Kellogg Greater China Business Conference - Navigating the Waves of Trans formation Faculty Adviser, moderator, speaker on Inbound Chinese Investment

May 2012 Outbound Chinese Investment and Investing in US

Executive MBA Program - Sun Yat Sen University

Seminar program on Outbound Foreign Investment by

Chinese MNC’s and investment climate and opportunities

February 2012 The Real China Challenge – HSBC Chicago headquarters

Presentation regarding China’s commitment to education, research &

development, and use of next generation technology

December 2011 40th Anniversary of US- China Relations Deloitte – Chicago

Review of the history of US and China relationship following

Ping-Pong diplomacy and Nixon visit to Beijing in 1972

May 2011 Kellogg Greater China Business Conference

Panelist on ‘US Market Entry Strategies for Chinese Companies' April 2011 Tooling & Manufacturing Association - Go Global and engaging int'l markets

January 2011 World Affairs Council/Kentucky and Southern Indiana

‘GoAheadism – the –ism that works’. Debate on China future. See attached.

October 2010 Elmhurst College Business School Alumni Association. Keynoted evening event.

May 2010 Loyola University Executive MBA - Keynoted luncheon

April 2010 International Mergers & Acquisitions 2010 (NYC).

March 2010 DePaul University Building BRIC's.

China Tours Organized and Lead

April 2012 Aalto University (f/k/a Helsinki School of Economics)

On-ground aAdvisor for China tour of Shanghai and Suzhou

March 2012 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

Faculty advisor for Global Initiatives in Management MBA tour of China including two week tour of PRC

2011 Kent College of Law – Alumni Association

Comprehensive study of Chinese legal system offering 10 hours of Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

(Insufficient enrollment for March 2011 and to be re-offered)

2007 University of Chicago Graham School (in cooperation with Peking University's Beijing International MBA school)

History and culture tour visiting Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu and Shanghai

2006 University of Chicago Graham School (in cooperation with Peking University's Beijing International MBA school)

History and culture tour visiting Beijing, Linyi, Qufu, Xi'an and Shanghai

2005 University of Illinois at Springfield – Executive MBA

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