SHAO Xiaokuai

Assistant Professor

B.S. in Economics, Peking University, 2011

Educational background

B.S. in Economics, Peking University, 2011

M.S. in Economics, University of Chinese Academy of Social Science, 2014

Ph.D. in Economics, Tsinghua University, 2020

Taught Courses & Research Field

Taught courses: Intermediate Microeconomics, Game Theory, Microeconomics, Calculus, Linear Algebra

Achievements in Academic Research

Journal Papers 

1. Xiaokuai Shao, Yujin Cao, Yangchuan Teng, Jidong Chen, Liutang Gong(2022). On the Consumption-Stimulating Effect of Public-Rental Housing in China. The China & World Economy. 106–135, Vol. 30. [SSCI]

2. Zhang Ming’ang, Shi Xinzheng, Shao Xiaokuai (2022). Institutional Restriction of the Labour Market and Enterprise Exports. Evidence from the Labour Contract Law. The Journal of World Economy, 2022,?Vol. 45, Issue (02): 111-136. [CSSCI]  

3. Xiaokuai Shao, Alexander White (2021). Outsiders, Insiders and Interventions in the Housing Market. Journal of Comparative Economics 49 (2021) 110–134. [SSCI]

4. Xiaokuai Shao.( 2020). Matching under School and Home Bundling. International Tax and Public Finance (2021) 28:567–611 [SSCI]

5. Xiaokuai Shao (2020). Diversity and Quantity Choice in a Horizontally Differentiated Duopoly. Journal of Industry, Competition & Trade, (2020) 20:689–708. 

6. Haicheng Wang, Xiaokuai Shao (2020). Does the Expansion of University Enrollment Increase the Export Quality of Enterprises. Macroeconomics, Issue 8, 2020. [CSSCI]

7. Zhu Shujin, Duan Fan, Shao Xiaokuai, Zhong Tenglong(2019). Informal Institutions, Generalized Morality and Quality of Export Products,Issue8, 2019. The Journal of World Economy. [CSSCI]

8. Haicheng, Xu Helian, Shao Xiaokuai (2019). Restructuring of State-Owned Enterprises and Export Product Quality. The Journal of World Economy, Issue 3,2019. [CSSCI]

Conference Papers

1. Xiaokuai Shao(2019). Allocation of Education, School District Policy and Housing Market Efficiency, Poster Session. AEA/ASSA 2019 Annual Meeting. American Economic Association, January 4-6, 2019. 

2. Xiaokuai Shao, Jie Zheng (2022). Warm up by Revelation to Cool down in Competition: Strategic Provision of Relationship-sensitive Information. Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 22-24, 2022. 

3. Xiaokuai Shao, Ming Gao (2021). Strategic Divorce, Tax Avoidance and Housing Price. China Meeting of the Econometric Society. July 1-3, 2021. 

Academic Service

1. Anonymous reviewer, "The Journal of World Economy", 2019 – present.

2. Anonymous reviewer, "Managerial and Decision Economics", 2022 – present.

Professional Experience

1. Institute for Global Development, Tsinghua University. 

Honors and Awards

1. 2022 Beijing Excellent Undergraduate Education Team of BFSU (as participant), BFSU, 2022 

2. First Prize of the 13th APEX Business Challenge Final (guiding student team of China University of Geosciences), BFSU, 2021 

3. Supervising students to win the first prize in the "First SME Case Study Competition. 

4. Recognition of Scientific Work, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2021

5. Teaching Award, Beijing Foreign Studies University International Business, 2021. 

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