教育背景 Education Background
Ph. D. in Management (Accounting), Tsinghua University, 2003
Master of Economics (Accounting), DongBei University of Finance and Economics, 1997
Bachelor of Economics (Accounting), DongBei University of Finance and Economics, 1994
工作经历 Work Experience
Associate Professor, International School of business, Beijing Foreign Studies University, June, 2015 to present
Associate Professor, School of Management, Zhejiang University, July, 2009 to June, 2015
Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, July, 2003 to June, 2009
Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, April 1997 to Sept. 1999
教学研究 Taught Courses & Research Field
Research field: Financial Accounting and Auditing issues in Chinese Capital Market
Taught courses: Accounting; Intermediate Accounting; Empirical Accounting Research; Auditing
科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research
Journal Papers
15、Song Yunling, Song yanheng. (2022). Tradeoff between the timeliness and reliability of earnings preannouncement. Management Review, 2022,34(01). [CSSCI]
14、Song Yunling, Song yanheng. (2020). Institutional Investor Shareholdings and Accounting Information Quality——Evidence from Audit Adjustments. Accounting Research, 2020, (11). [CSSCI]
13、Song Y.H., Bi Y.H., Song Y.L. (2020). Vertical Interlocks of Executives and Auditor Choice: Signaling V.S. Rent Seeking. Journal of Audit and Economics, 2020,35(04). [CSSCI]
12、Wen W., Feng X.Q., Song Y.H. (2020). Firm Debt Violations and Auditor Responses to Risk. Accounting and Economics Research, 2020,34(04). [CSSCI]
11、Song yanheng, Song Yunling. (2019). Are auditor’s professional judgments influenced by air quality. Accounting Research, 2019, (09). [CSSCI]
10、Song Yanheng, Qian xu, Song Yunling. (2017). Auditor Style, Firm Size and Professional Expertise. The Chinese Certified Public Accountant, 2017, (12). [CSSCI]Yin D. and Y. Song. 2014. "Debate on the legal authority to regulate Tax Return Preparers in the U.S. ". The Chinese Certified Public Accountant, 10.
9、Listic, L.L., S., Silveri, Y.H., Song and K. Wang. 2015, " Accounting Fraud, Auditing and the Role of Government Sanctions in China". June, Journal of Business Research. Vol. 68(6): 1186-1195.
8、Song, Y. and X. Xiao. 2012, "Supervising risk, Auditor size and Audit quality". Audit Research, 3: 83-89.
7、Song, Y. 2012, "Research Review on Disclosure issues in the Capital Market". Journal of Xinjiang Finance & Economics Institute. 2: 18-23.
6、Song, Y. and H. Fu. 2012, "Will Audit Quality be Affected by Auditor Tenure?". Accounting Research, 1: 84-89.
5、Song, Y. 2011, “Audit risk, Audit fee and relative bargaining power”. Accounting Research, 2: 74-79
4、Li, D. and Y. Song, 2010, “Is Timely Accounting Information Reliable?” Management World, 9: 129-137
3、Song, Y., 2008. “The use of equity refinancing proceeds and long-term post-issue operating performance”, Accounting Research, 5: 23-29
2、Song, Y. and Y. He, 2008, “Auditors’ tradeoff under supervising pressure and market pressure——evidence from impairment reserve of long lived assets”, Management World, 5: 44-50
1、Song, Y. and H.Y. Zhang, 2008, “Do Auditors Consider Predecessor Auditors' Credit?——Predecessor Auditors’ Auditing Quality and Discretionary Accrual”, Audit Research,1: 61-66.
Professional Experience
1. Independent director, JCHX Mining Management Co. Ltd. (Stock code: 603979), 2017 - present
2. Independent director, Tibet Tour Co. Ltd. (Stock code: 600749), 2018 - present
3. Independent director, Shaoxing Beisimei Chemical Co. (Stock code: 837938), Ltd, 2017 - 2021
4. Independent director, Fada Holding Group Co. Ltd., 2021 - present
5. Thesis Supervisor, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2021 - present
6. Committee member of Enterprise Accounting Standards, Accounting Society of China, 2017 - present
7. Member for Peer-Review Journal, e.g., China Journal of Accounting Studies, Journal of Audit and Economic, 2020 - present
国际交流 International Communication Experience
International communication experience (Academic exchange and visits)
Visiting Scholar, University of Illinois at Chicago, February 2011 to February 2012
Visiting Scholar, Sloan school of Management, MIT, August, 2007 to January, 2008
商业实践 Commercial practice (Enterprise practice or survey)
Academic and commercial part-time jobs:
Guangdong Guanhao High-tech Co., Ltd. Independent director
Jiangsu Hengli highpressure oil cylinder Co., Ltd. Independent director
Beijing Hiersun Co., Ltd. Independent director
Shanghai Yin Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Independent director
Hefei Baisheng Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Independent director
荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards
1、Road and Bridge gardener award Fellowship, 2020, BFSU.
2、Outstanding Primary Teaching Team Award (Accounting Teaching Team) of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2020
3、First prize of core Professional Courses of International Business School in spring semester 2020, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2020
4、Second Prize of Elective Courses of International Business School in Autumn Semester 2019, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2019
5、Third Prize for Teaching Professional Master of International Business School in Spring Semester 2019, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2019
6、First Prize for Teaching Professional Master of International Business School in Spring Semester 2019, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2019
7、First Prize for Teaching Professional Master of International Business School in Autumn Semester 2018, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2018
8、Third Prize of core Professional Courses of International Business School in Spring semester 2018, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2018
9、Second prize of dual degree course in International Business School in spring semester 2018, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2018
10、2011. Students' favorite teacher in School of Management, Zhejiang University
11、2009. The Second Prize of Liberal arts group in Basic Teaching Skills Contest of Beijing Junior Teachers
12、2008. The Second Prize of Liberal arts group in Basic Teaching Skills Contest of Junior Teachers in Tsinghua University
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