TERRIER Bernard (France)

Visiting Professor

Master's in Economics and Finance, Paris Institute of Political Studies, France

Bernard TERRIER is graduate both from Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po), and Paris 2 Law university.

He started his career in Paris in a public agency in charge of helping farmers to set up legal entities.

In 1972, he joined the Merlin Gerin group, now known as Schneider Electric, which is a large multinational group (2013 sales, 24 billions €). During more than 30 years he held various positions up to senior responsibilities in management control and finance areas.

In 2003, he started a consultancy business providing controllership service. In 2005 he joined the Faculty of Economics of Grenoble as a full time associate teacher, fulfilling broad responsibilities, not only in teaching activities, but in coaching, academic works and business administration.

Since 2011, he works as a controller for a body in charge of monitoring the french NGO's.

Date of birth: 28/04/1948; married, 2 children


1971 Master in Economics & Finance, Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po)

1971 Professionnal Lawyer's Certificate, Paris 2 University

1970 Institute of commercial law, Paris 2 University

1970 Master in Public Law, Paris 2 University

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