ZHOU Yuanyuan

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. in Management , Tsinghua University, China

科研成果 Achievements in Academic Research

Journal Papers 

1. Zhou, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2022). The Impact of Visualization on Innovative Products: the Matching between Temporal Perspective and Regulatory Focus. Management Review, 34(2), 142–153. [CSSCI]

2. Zhou, Y., Li, Q., Gong, S., Hampson, D. P., & Liu, Z. (2022). Looking back is better than looking forward: visualization, temporal frames, and new product evaluation in China. Asian Business & Management, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41291-021-00175-x. [SSCI]

3. Cao, Z., Zhou, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2019). How affective cues influence the perceived value of artwork. Social Behavior and Personality, https://doi.org/10.2224/sbp.7325. [SSCI]

4. Yu, H., Gao, X., Zhou, Y., & Zhou, X. (2018). Decomposing Gratitude: Representation and Integration of Cognitive Antecedents of Gratitude in the Brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(21), 4886–4898. [SCI]

荣誉奖励 Honors and Awards

1. Teaching Award, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2021 FALL 

2. Teaching Award, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2021 SPRING

3. Teaching Award, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2020 SPRING

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